
Power converters.

The application of solid state technology protection and control of aircraft loads (SSPCs) introduces many advantages for the deployment of the all-electric aircraft:

  • Controlled Switching
  • Incorporates current limiting function (I2t)
  • Modular, programmable and remote controlled
  • Allows condition monitoring and rearming
  • Reduced weight and volume, and improved reliability

However, the natural switched operation of solid state technology introduces new challenges related to switching frequencies, switched voltage and (sometimes) switched current on the electric and electronic circuits of the aircraft, including of course the wiring for the Electrical Wiring Interconnection System (EWIS) of the aircraft and specifically for the WIPS.


With the Power Converter operating as ON-OFF, unipolar and bipolar PWM, switched AC or DC voltage source, etc., new effects such as switching and commutation harmonics, skin effect, high dv/dt, EMI, etc., need to be considered and conveniently modelled on basic the cable model. This advanced cable model will facilitate the analysis of the complete EWIS system simulations with high degree of accuracy, and will contribute to the development of new WIPS minimizing design errors and helping to components specification.